Monday, February 9, 2015


Ang 701 • Guru Arjan Dev Ji • Raag Jaithsree


English Translation:

Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl: One who has the Lord of the Universe as his help and support is blessed with all peace, poise and bliss; no afflictions cling to him. ||1||Pause|| He appears to keep company with everyone, but he remains detached, and Maya does not cling to him. He is absorbed in love of the One Lord; he understands the essence of reality, and he is blessed with wisdom by the True Guru. ||1|| Those whom the Lord and Master blesses with His kindness, compassion and mercy are the sublime and sanctified Saints. Associating with them, Nanak is saved; with love and exuberant joy, they sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||2||3||7||

Punjabi Translation:


Hindi Hukamnama:


Spanish Translation:

Yaitsri, Mejl Guru Aryan, Quinto Canal Divino. Aquél que tiene a Dios, el Señor, como Amigo, es bendecido con Paz y las penas no le afligen. (1‑Pausa) Parece que está en todo, pero permanece desapegado, y Maya no lo puede perturbar. Vive siempre imbuido en el Amor de Dios, conoce la Quintaesencia y es bendecido con la Sabiduría del Guru Verdadero. (1) Aquéllos que tienen la Misericordia de Dios, son los Santos. Dice Nanak, uno es salvado en la Asociación de quienes cantan dichosamente la Alabanza del Señor. (2‑3‑7)

Source: sikhnet