Saturday, February 14, 2015


Ang 771, 772 • Guru Amar Daas Ji • Raag Soohee


English Translation:

Shalok, Third Mehl: If you long for your Husband Lord, O young and innocent bride, then focus your consciousness on the Guru’s feet. You shall be a happy soul bride of your Dear Lord forever; He does not die or leave. The Dear Lord does not die, and He does not leave; through the peaceful poise of the Guru, the soul bride becomes the lover of her Husband Lord. Through truth and self-control, she is forever immaculate and pure; she is embellished with the Word of the Guru’s Shabad. My God is True, forever and ever; He Himself created Himself. O Nanak, she who focuses her consciousness on the Guru’s feet, enjoys her Husband Lord. ||1|| When the young, innocent bride finds her Husband Lord, she is automatically intoxicated with Him, night and day. Through the Word of the Guru’s Teachings, her mind becomes blissful, and her body is not tinged with filth at all. Her body is not tinged with filth at all, and she is imbued with her Lord God; my God unites her in Union. Night and day, she enjoys her Lord God; her egotism is banished from within. Through the Guru’s Teachings, she easily finds and meets Him. She is imbued with her Beloved. O Nanak, through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, she obtains glorious greatness. She ravishes and enjoys her God; she is imbued with His Love. ||2|| Ravishing her Husband Lord, she is imbued with His Love; she obtains the Mansion of His Presence. She is utterly immaculate and pure; the Great Giver banishes self-conceit from within her. The Lord drives out attachment from within her, when it pleases Him. The soul bride becomes pleasing to the Lord’s Mind. Night and day, she continually sings the Glorious Praises of the True Lord; she speaks the Unspoken Speech. Throughout the four ages, the One True Lord is permeating and pervading; without the Guru, no one finds Him. O Nanak, she revels in joy, imbued with His Love; she focuses her consciousness on the Lord. ||3|| The mind of the soul bride is very happy, when she meets her Friend, her Beloved Lord. Through the Guru’s Teachings, her mind becomes immaculate; she enshrines the Lord within her heart. Keeping the Lord enshrined within her heart, her affairs are arranged and resolved; through the Guru’s Teachings, she knows her Lord. My Beloved has enticed my mind; I have obtained the Lord, the Architect of Destiny. Serving the True Guru, she finds lasting peace; the Lord, the Destroyer of pride, dwells in her mind. O Nanak, she merges with her Guru, embellished and adorned with the Word of the Guru’s Shabad. ||4||5||6||

Punjabi Translation:


Hindi Hukamnama:


Spanish Translation:

Suji, Mejl Guru Amar Das, Tercer Canal Divino. Oh joven novia, si buscas a tu Marido Eterno, entona tu ser a los Pies del Guru, así gozarás para siempre de la Dicha con tu Esposo. El Señor Eterno ama a la que se vuelve parte del Señor por ser bendecida con el Equilibrio del Guru ella vive embellecida con la Palabra del Guru y se vuelve pura para siempre, a través de la Disciplina de la Verdad. Verdad, siempre Verdad, es nuestro Señor, Quien se ha creado a Sí Mismo. Dice Nanak, quien está entonada a los Pies del Guru, goza siempre de su Eterno Marido. (1) Siempre imbuido en el Señor, Lo obtendrás, oh joven, a través de la Palabra del Guru. Tu mente estará en Éxtasis y nunca más te mancharás ni siquiera un poquito. Estando entonado en el Señor, Lo alcanzarás y podrás gozar de Él, elimina entonces el ego negativo de tu interior. A través de la Palabra del Guru, llegas a Él, con la mente en Paz, y vives imbuido en el Amor de tu Señor. Dice Nanak, bendecido con la Gloria del Santo Nombre, disfrutas de tu Marido, sumergido en Su Amor.(2) Tú que estás fundido en el Amor del Señor, te posas sobre la Mansión del Señor. Él, tu Señor, es Inmaculado y Bondadoso, Él es Quien te libera de tu ego negativo. Cuando El Señor lo desea, eres liberada de tu ego, oh novia, y siendo aceptada por el Señor, pasas tu vida cantando Su Bella Alabanza y realizas el Evangelio Impronunciable. El Señor Verdadero prevalece a través de las Cuatro Épocas, pero sin el Guru, nadie ha logrado unirse a Dios. Dice Nanak, uno está imbuido en el Amor del Señor y se regocija en Su Dicha, cuando uno está entonado en el Señor. (3) En la mente de la Novia resuena la Melodía de Dicha cuando ella se encuentra con su Amigo, el Dios, y a través de la Palabra del Shabd del Guru, logra purificar su mente, pues ella enaltece al Señor en su corazón. Así es como satisface el deseo de su Alma y a través de la Sabiduría del Guru, conoce a su Señor. El Señor embruja su mente y ella Lo realiza, pues Él la lleva a cumplir su propio Destino. Sirviendo al Guru está siempre en Éxtasis, y el Señor habita en ella. Dice Nanak, viviendo en Comunión con Dios, a través del Guru, es adornada con la Palabra del Shabd del Guru. (4-5-6)

Source: sikhnet